In Transition

In Transitions

For the Society of Local Government Managers of Alberta

Background: The Society of Local Government Managers has existed as a professional body for more than ten years. The Society is responsible for the Profession of Local Government Management. Duties of the Society include the establishment of standards of conduct to be honoured by its members, monitoring the practice of the profession, conducting reviews if requested, and taking discipline action against members who do not adhere to the standards of the profession. The Society may also become involved in other activities provided they do not conflict with the legislated requirements of the profession. One area where a desire to act has been expressed is to provide support to professional managers that are “in-transition”. This transition may be the result of a resignation or termination of employment. An “in-transition” stage in an individuals’ career is usually very stressful. Managers and administrators who have experienced being “in-transition” have indicated that peer support was very valuable and one of the key factors in helping the administrator continue and build a successful career.

Purpose: The “in-transition” Support Team” would exist to provide support to individuals’ that are “in-transition”, for whatever reason. Support could include actions such as calling or visiting the individual to talk to them about their current situation. This discussion could include topics such as how they feel, encouragement to move forward with their career, reviewing with them (if they want) the events that led to their current situation, and/or reviewing with them some of the steps they should take to protect their interests (i.e. If legal action is required to obtain appropriate severance or how to take advantage of the tax laws with a severance payment etc).

Team Membership:

  • Establish a team or committee through the recruitment of volunteers to provide support for members that are In-Transition
  • The team will consist of six CLGM members (or associate members where deemed appropriate by the Board) that are mature in their career and distributed geographically with at least one member from each of the northern, central and southern regions. It will be important that the team members have skills that provide an appropriate mix of skills
  • At least a portion of the team membership should include members that have direct experience of being “in-transition”

Initiation of Team Action

  • The team will be called into action when any team member becomes aware of a CLGM member that is in an “in-transition” status. The team member that becomes aware of such a situation shall contact the Secretary Treasurer/Registrar of the Society, who in turn shall contact other appropriate team members and advise them.
  • The team becomes aware of members “in-transition” either through personal knowledge or are advised by the Registrar or another member
  • Prior to contacting the “in-transition” member or the remainder of the team, the team member shall take necessary steps to ensure the information regarding the status of the affected member is accurate.
  • The team will select one of its members to take the lead role for each “in-transition” instance with the selected member having a personal connection with the “in-transition” member where ever possible. While initial contact and support is important, equally important is follow up contact, on an ongoing basis, therefore team members are encouraged to make a number of contacts over a period of time.

Team Responsibilities:

  • The team will develop or use already available resource materials that could be shared with members “in-transition”. These resources could be discussed over the phone, delivered through the mail or in person, or shared via Email or through the Society’s Web page.
  • The team is to provide support for the “in-transition” member in the form of referrals and/or encouragement to discuss specific issues with appropriate professionals. It is not the role of team members to provide expert advice.
  • The team shall meet annually to review instances in which services were provided to “in-transition” members. Such reviews shall include a sharing of experiences and strategies to assist members that are “in-transition”
  • Members of the team are encouraged to attend professional improvement courses that will provide them with skills to assist in sitting on the team.
  • Team members may provide support to individuals that are not CLGM members in the form of contact, but no resources requiring a financial commitment on behalf of the society will be forwarded to non-members.

Adopted 02 December 2005

Accessing the In Transition Support Team:

For more information on the In Transition Support Team, please contact :

Linda M. Davies, CLGM

Executive Director/Registrar.
Box 308, Bruderheim, Alberta T0B 0S0
Telephone (780) 796-3836